What We Believe
We believe in one God, the Creator of the universe, from the stars to the rivers, from the cosmos to the ants. We believe this same Divine One creates each person in the imago Dei, that is the image of God, declaring each person good in their formation.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born in the fullness of human and divine natures that are perfect and inseparably united. As the ministering Servant he lived, suffering he died on the cross, buried he rose from the dead and ascended into the heavens where he sits until, at the future fulness of time moment, he will return. As the enteral Savior and Mediator, Jesus Christ intercedes for us and will be the judge of all humanity.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, poured out into the world, who proceeds from and is one in being with the Creator and Christ. The Holy Spirit convinces the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, leading people through faithful response to the gospel of fellowship and transformation in the Church. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, sustaining and empowering believers while guiding them into truth.
We believe the Church is a place where all are welcome in the fullness of their creation. We believe in the Church, through relationship and connection, we are transformed according to God’s will, growing by grace through faith as we are transformed to be more and more like Christ.
We believe in The General Rule of John Wesley: Do no harm, do good, and attend to the ordinance of God.
We believe in grace: prevenient grace that calls us to faith before we know God, justifying grace that makes us right before God through faith alone, sanctifying grace that continues to work within us that we may be perfected in this life, and convicting grace that calls us to account when we miss the mark in our living.

We Are Part Of
As part of the Desert Southwest Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, we are part of a reconciling annual conference located within the Western Jurisdiction that is a reconciling jurisdiction. This means that all people are welcome to participate and serve at all levels and positions of the Church structure.
For more on what we believe, you can explore The Articles of Religions of the Methodist Church and the Confession of Faith of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. These documents, along with The Standard Sermons of John Wesley and The Explanatory Notes on the New Testament, form our denominational doctrine and belief systems.